Does Qt6 QML Map Plugin supports geoproviders other than OSM?
I tried to use "here,esri" and other providers as mentioned in Qt5 QML with QT6 but it gave the following
The geoservices provider is not supported.
Then i ran the following function to find out availble plugins.
function checkPlugins() { var plugins = Qt.createQmlObject ('import QtLocation; Plugin {}', mapScreen) for (var i = 0; i<plugins.availableServiceProviders.length; i++) { var newPlugin = Qt.createQmlObject ('import QtLocation; Plugin {name: "' + plugins.availableServiceProviders[i]+ '"}', mapScreen) if (newPlugin.supportsMapping()){ console.log(" is Avaible.") } } }
i only got two options.
qml: osm is Avaible.
qml: itemsoverlay is if i am to use here maps or esri maps with QT6 QML. what are my options?
Unfortunately I quote,
In practice this means that for the initial Qt 6 version of Qt Location, we will reduce the number of service providers that are supported out of the box. We continue to support the OpenStreetMap backend, in addition to the ItemOverlay backend.
Any ideas to get a decent sat map ? with PySide6?
Maybe the ArcGIS SDK ?
@SGaist But they are also going to stop support
The QML API is deprecated. Version 200.4 of ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt will be the last release to include QML API.
And I am also looking for weather i can use PySide6 with ArcGIS Maps SDK .
I simply want to have a proper satellite base map for my application to use with QML Maps.
My Stack at the moment,
PySIde6 & QML
OSM Maps doesn't work for me since it doesn't have a satellite maps
Another workround I am looking at is using
with PySide6. I am not sure how to get pyside and maplibre-native-qt
working together yet (no installation guide for this yet) -
While their QML pre-built type will be gone, it seems they are going to provided examples on how to use their SDK to build QML based application.
As for
, it looks like you would need to create the python bindings for their library. -
@iamontherun they have a Python SDK however I currently don't know if it has binding for PySide6
@SGaist Yes, they do have Python SDK, but it doesnt provide any Basemaps for the QML or seperate maps widget.
I want to know weather the QT is planning to reintroduce Esri Basemaps for QML in future. Since Esri one of the larger providers in GIS space.
I looked at all the options available for me to use Esri Base maps with PySide6/QML
Available Options.
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt (QML API) This is getting deprecated (
ArcGIS Maps SDK for QT (C++ API) - Can we use this with PySide6? If so, how?
maplibre-native-qt( - Can we port this to PySide6/QML? (No PySide6 Bindings Available)
Can we use Esri Python SDK to provide Basemaps for PySide6/QML? Not feasible
Writing a Custom Maps Provider plugin in QML (similar to what they have done in QGROUNDCONTROL -
I am thinking it will be one of 2,3,5 as a viable option. Any direction/pointers would be greatly appreciated.
@iamontherun said in Does Qt6 QML Map Plugin supports geoproviders other than OSM?:
I want to know weather the QT is planning to reintroduce Esri Basemaps for QML in future
You should ask this on Qt developers mailing list. This is user forum, so not sure anybody here can answer this question.