Which option for beginners?
Windows 11, C++
As a complete Qt neophyte, I don’t know which option to select for my first project and why. All the tutorials found so far just jump right in with the Qt environment already on the screen.
When visiting “All Apps” and checking the options the most likely options appear to be: Qt 6.6.2, Qt Creator, and Qt Design Studio.
Here is what I need. A series of dialogs, lets begin with three of them. The first one selects either of the other two. The second one displays text describing the quadratic equation. It allows the user to enter the values for a, b, and c, and to step through the process one step at a time. It will take about ten steps to complete the process. The third will be similar to the first.
So, which option do you recommend?
Is there a place that describes each of those three options and why each one might be selected?
Thank you for your time. -
Qt 6.6.2 and use Qt Creator.
Your use case looks like an ideal fit for Qt Widgets application, and more specifically a job for QWizard.
Other than that I don't know where to even begin answering you, so I'll instead wait for more specific questions :-) In general, I'd recommend going through some Qt tutorial or book just to grab some basics. No need to read / watch it all, just a few first chapters should be enough.
@Bryan-Kelly said in Which option for beginners?:
So, which option do you recommend?
On Windows Qt for MinGW + MinGW + QtCreator
@jsulm Below is an image of the options available. Windows will not allow me to do a screen capture so I used my phone to take a picture and email it me.
There are four options that include MinGW within the description. It seems to me that there are four because each one does something significantly different. And that is just the top four that include the text MinGW.
So which one should this beginner select? And maybe why? -
@Bryan-Kelly Start QtCreator, from the screen-shot I can see that you already installed Qt for MinGW. QtCreator is an IDE (like Visual Studio) where you can write your Qt application.
Qt Creator is the IDE. Open that and it will let you create a new Qt project. Ignore the other programs for now. Each project will need a Qt installation (Qt for MinGW in your case) in order to compile.
I replied a few minutes ago, but do not see the reply. Came back to edit.
I uninstalled and reinstalled, and things look good. It led me to https://academy.qt.io/catalog and am working the item called: Getting Started: Qt Creator.
From some things I have read there have been indicators that I can develop completely within the Qt environment rather than using Visual Studio. That looks and sounds good and is my current goal.
Any further advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and patience. -
@Bryan-Kelly said in Which option for beginners?:
Any further advice will be greatly appreciated
You should ask more concrete questions, else it is not clear where you need support