QtInsight not availabe as standalone module
Hey there, I just was about to install qt in my docker image via aqtinstall. This tool checks the qt archive page for the modules you want to install.
In my case this was for the version 6.5.3 and I just wanted to install the additional module QtInsight. (that should be available in this version)
I noticed, that there is no standalone module in the archiv. You can watch by yourself: https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/6.5/6.5.3/submodules/
Is there any reason, why there is no support for a single QtInsight-submodule?
Thanks for helping!
QtInsight is a separate application which is not installed via the Qt Online Installer iirc.
@Christian-Ehrlicher When using the OnlineInstaller GUI and want to install Qt6.5.3, then I can select the QtInsight Tracker module. Normally, this library has to be located somewhere.
AFAIK the tracker library is the part that should be installed on the app you want to "watch". This is not the whole QtInsight framework
@Pl45m4 said in QtInsight not availabe as standalone module:
AFAIK the tracker library is the part that should be installed on the app you want to "watch". This is not the whole QtInsight framework
Yes, I meant the tracker library. In the onboarding instructions (https://www.qt.io/product/insight/onboarding-instructions) there is only shown, how I can install this library using a gui (e. g. in linux). I want to automatically install this library e. g. in a docker container. I did not found any possible solution for this so far.