ShaderEffect does not work on raspberry yocto
Mobile and Embedded
Hello everyone,
I have been playing with shaders and Qt. I have created this repo uses shaders. The shaders are shown correctly on WASM and Linux desktops. But in a yocto image with meta-qt6 in a raspberry-pi 3b it gives the runtime error:
Failed to register allocate: BLOCK 0: ... A lot of stuff ... 2 E2273, E2278 v8adds tlb_c, t2273,t2278
And nothing is shown. This messages comes from mesa-vc4.
I have some shaders that work ok on the Raspberry, but this one gives this runtime error.
The shader code works if I change the code showing the drawing but if add more code it does not.Like this works:
void main( void) { vec2 uv=vec2(qt_TexCoord0.x*2.0-1.0,1.0-qt_TexCoord0.y*2.0); uv.x *= pixelStep.y/pixelStep.x; vec3 fcolor=vec3(0.0); fcolor= codeZeroAm(uv) /*+ codeZeroPm(uv) + codeOneAm(uv) + codeOnePm(uv) + codeTwoAm(uv) + codeTwoPm(uv) + codeThree(uv)*/; vec4 bcolor=texture(src, uv).rgba; vec4 color=mix(bcolor, vec4(fcolor,1.0), step(0.0000001,length(fcolor))); fragColor = vec4(fcolor,1.0); }
but like this
void main( void) { vec2 uv=vec2(qt_TexCoord0.x*2.0-1.0,1.0-qt_TexCoord0.y*2.0); uv.x *= pixelStep.y/pixelStep.x; vec3 fcolor=vec3(0.0); fcolor= codeZeroAm(uv) + codeZeroPm(uv) /*+ codeOneAm(uv) + codeOnePm(uv) + codeTwoAm(uv) + codeTwoPm(uv) + codeThree(uv)*/; vec4 bcolor=texture(src, uv).rgba; vec4 color=mix(bcolor, vec4(fcolor,1.0), step(0.0000001,length(fcolor))); fragColor = vec4(fcolor,1.0); }
gives the runtime error.
Any help will be much appreciated.