QtQuick 6.4
General and Desktop
In windows OS with VS2022I am currently using QT6 before I had QT5. I have warning every time.
QT6 waring
Using a Component as the root of a QML document is deprecated: types defined in qml documents are automatically wrapped into Components when needed.how can i get rid of this can some one give me some example?
For Example I have this :
import QtQuick 6.4 import 'popup' as Popup Component { id: screenConnection Item { anchors.fill : screenConnection Component.onCompleted: screens.openProgress() } }
Component { id: screenSelection Item { Text {.......
In some cases,
Component { id: screenMainTree Row { spacing: 50....
Component { id: screenStart Item {...
@srinath_ramamoorthy_17 said in QtQuick 6.4:
if I change to:
import QtQuick 6.4 import 'popup' as Popup Item { id: screenConnection anchors.fill: screenConnection Component.onCompleted: screens.openProgress() }
this fix skip my fist screen
@jsulm can you help here
@srinath_ramamoorthy_17 said in QtQuick 6.4:
Item { id: screenConnection anchors.fill: screenConnection
What is the point of anchoring an item to itself?