qt 5.12.2 "camera example" crash at startup
Hello eveyone,
I've been using "camera example" of QT 5.12.2 in ubuntu 18_04 and everyting was fine.Then, when I moved to Ubuntu 22_04, this exemple crash at startup.
Debugger show that it is always in the same thread, called "viewfinderbin-q"I've tried online installer, that provides QT 5.15.3, I have the same issue with the same consequence
Please notice that the QML camera example work fine, I can see my face on webcam !.
Any idea how to make camera example work ?
many thanks
@SamiV123 said in qt 5.12.2 "camera example" crash at startup:
source with debug info, run in the debug
I have been fallowing the https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_5_from_Git tutorial but the compilation fails at early stage. it's annoying.
@Lim-SAS said in qt 5.12.2 "camera example" crash at startup:
compilation fails at early stage
If you provide more details maybe somebody will help
Sure, but I think it will take too much time for uncertain result. I will persevere in this way when I will be really desperate ;)As written here : https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/supported-platforms.html
there is no support of QT5 for ubuntu 22_04. Maybe my issue has no solution. -
@Lim-SAS said in qt 5.12.2 "camera example" crash at startup:
there is no support of QT5 for ubuntu 22_04
This is wrong. Qt5 works just fine with Ubuntu 22.04. There is no mention of Ubuntu 22.04 simply because it did not exist when that page was created.
Ubuntu 22.04 even provides Qt5 packages... -
after reinstalling ubuntu 22.04 from scratch, I now have an error that is displayed at the very beginning of runtime:
cameraBin error : "Internal error: could not render surface"
cameraBin error : "Internal data stream error"after 4 hours of search of a similar problem on the internet, I could not find any solution. Does it ring a bell to you ?
You can see this video about Qt Camera Functionlity Or Qt Multimedia Moudle Functionlity.Qt Camera (Connect Camera With Application) : https://youtu.be/hcf9V5R0G6s?si=qLzR2nOpuFnN-4i_
Qt Camera And QCameraImageCapture (Camera ImageCapture) :