The dreaded 0xc000007b error
I had my app almost running: it brought up the main window fine, but there was a problem: it crashed when I tried to invoke anything using GpgME. I started to try to compile the app under Visual Studio, but gave up and went back to mingw64. Except now, when I try to run it, it immediately comes up with an error:
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.
Researching this turns up suggestions that it's possibly linking in a 32-bit DLL or something, but I don't see where. All of the DLLs compiled for it are X86-64 (confirmed by Cygwin's "file" command).
Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this thing? I don't have a lot of recent experience on the Windows platform. I there anything like Linux's "strace" command?Thanks,
@rjmx You can use to check whether any dependency is missing.
@jsulm Thanks. Actually, that's a bit old now. A suitable replacement is at
I see a couple of missing dependencies, but they seem to be optional from what I can see. There's a lot of stuff to drill down, so I haven't seen all of it, but I'll try again.