Qt 6.6.0 TLS Invalid Token
General and Desktop
Hi! I have running into a bug with the TLS back-end plugin in
the qtls_schannel.cpp at line 1599 with MSVC} else if (status == SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN) { qCWarning(lcTlsBackendSchannel, "Got SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN!"); Q_UNREACHABLE(); // Happened once due to a bug, but shouldn't generally happen(?)
It comes in every few days sometimes in a week.
I do not know how to break here instead of an assert ?!
I do not want to rebuild to whole qtbase for this only if there is no other solution.
I am using this to communicate with the Viber REST API through QHttpServer . (I know that is Technology Preview).Thank you!
It does seem a bit extreme to kill the application. I think it warrants to be discussed in a bug report.