onWheel() not working in Qt 6.5.3
I was implemented my application in Qt5.15.2 and application was working fine.
When mouse is scrolled over rectangle, onWheel() slot was getting called and am able to do some operations.Now my problem is, I have updated my Qt version from Qt 5.15.2 to Qt 6.5.3.
I have fixed build issue and able to launch my application.
When mouse is scrolled over rectangle, onWheel() slot was not getting called.
If I create a new application with rectangle component and scrolled over it, onWheel() slot is getting called and able to print console output.
width: 300
height: 200
color: "red"
anchors.fill: parent
console.log("+++++++++++++++onClicked called++++++++++++++++++++++++")
console.log("--------------OnWheel called------------------------")
onClicked() slot is working fine for every click on rectangle.
But same onWheel() slot is not getting called in my application.