Remote Debugging
I am working on LPC1768. I want to debug test_ram.elf file using arm-none-eabi-gdb on qt creator.
I downloaded code to test from, I couldn't handle remote debugging. I want to debug using j-link gdbserver.
I tried Debug->Start Debugging->Attach to Remote debug server
Start Debugger Settings
Debugger : C:\Program Files\CodeSourcery\Sourcery_CodeBench_Lite_for_ARM_EABI\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe
Local Executable : C:\Users\asd\qtprojects\pr2\test_ram.elf
Host and Port : localhost:2331
Architecture : arm
GNU : auto
Sysroot :
Location of debugging information :
Override host GDB start script : C:\Users\asd\qtprojects\pr2\prj\lpc17xx_flash_jlink_1.gdbI got this warning after doing settings above :
The preferred debugger engine for debugging binaries of type 'unknown-unknown-unknown-unknown-unknown' is not available. The debugger engine 'Gdb engine' will be used as a fallback. Details: The CDB debug engine does not support the unknown-unknown-unknown-unknown-unknown ABI.
Thanks, in advance