axis setRange causes read acces violation
Hi everyone,
I have a signal triggering a slot (every 100ms) with the following code:
axisY->setRange(-1, 1);
which causes: Exception thrown: read access violation.
In the slot there is some 'heavy' processing code to compute and draw some QChart (with some thousands of datapoints). I am wondering why it crashes when calling axis setRange which didn't ever crash in my previous tests (a lighter example drawing charts and remaping axis based on QLineSeries data...). It feels like a threading issue but I have no clue why it crashes now but didn't crash in previous tests...
Any idea on how to properly debug this?
All I know is that if i put this line of code at the end of the slot function it crashes. And in a similar example with less processing involved it does not crash.
Any help is very appreciated!
w -
@wasawi2 said in axis setRange causes read acces violation:
I would guess it's an invalid pointer - use a debugger and see where it points to or why exactly the crash is happening.
Exactly. You are right!
Thank you for your help! -