Displaying Colored Meshes in Qt 6 QML GUI
QML and Qt Quick
I am looking to display colored meshes in a Qt QML GUI. My experience with Qt dates back to version 5.15, where I encountered issues with meshes appearing as grayscale even when they had RGB information.
I was wondering if the meshes can be displayed now with their original RGB information with the latest version. I checked the changelog but I am still not sure. If someone can clarify this for me I would truly appreciate it.
What's a "colored mesh"?
@MaverickHunterX93 Are you using Qt3D or Quick3D to load the mesh? I have succefully open obj and fbx files with colors, that were exported from blender,using quick3D. There is a Quick3D example called runtime loader were you can open gltf files, check if it works for you.