How do I detect the end of NumberAnimation inside transition?
How can I detect the end of NumberAnimation inside transition?
Here is my code:
Transition {
},Transition { from: "*" to: "PASSIVE" ParallelAnimation{ NumberAnimation{ id: moveAnim properties:"x,y" duration:1000 easing.type: "InOutElastic" onRunningChanged: { if(!moveAnim.running){ console.log("End of transition!"); // send signal, call js function, etc. } } } } } ]
This method with catching onRunningChanged and checking the state of running property works perfectly if NumberAnimation is placed inside Behavior, but doesn't seem to work inside transition. What am I doing wrong?
you can put your NumberAnimation in SequentialAnimation and use "ScriptAction": This way ScriptEction will be executed after NumberAnimation finishes.
Andre, the problem is that onRunningChanged does not work if Animation is inside transition. It works if Animation is inside Behavior, but that's not what I need.
task_struct, thank you. I already found a quick temporary solution by defining bool property, changing it in PropertyAction put in SequentialAnimation after the NumberAnimation and then catching On<property>Changed event like this:
property bool trigger: false
onTriggerChanged: triggerChangeProc()
Transition {
from: "*"
SequentialAnimation{NumberAnimation{ properties:"x,y" duration:1000 easing.type: "InOutElastic" } PropertyAction{ target:systemMessageRect; property:"trigger"; value: "true" } } }
function triggerChangeProc(){
//do the stuff
Edit: but your suggestion seems to be much better.