QWebSocketServer does not accept new connections
Here my own implementation of a wrapper for a web socket communication:
#include "wsserver.h" #include <QDebug> #define DEBUG const QString MODULE_ID = "[WSS]"; WsServer::WsServer(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { } WsServer::~WsServer() { qInfo() << MODULE_ID << "Closing connections"; _wsServer->close(); } void WsServer::listen(quint16 port) { _wsServer = new QWebSocketServer("websocket", QWebSocketServer::NonSecureMode, this); if (_wsServer->listen(QHostAddress::Any, port)) { qInfo() << MODULE_ID << "WebSocket server is listening on port" << port; connect(_wsServer, &QWebSocketServer::newConnection, this, &WsServer::newConnection); connect(_wsServer, &QWebSocketServer::closed, this, &WsServer::closed); } } void WsServer::sendTextMessage(QString message) { foreach (QWebSocket *client, _listClients) { client->sendTextMessage(message); } } void WsServer::newConnection() { QWebSocket *socket = _wsServer->nextPendingConnection(); connect(socket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived, this, &WsServer::processTextMessage); connect(socket, &QWebSocket::binaryMessageReceived, this, &WsServer::processBinaryMessage); connect(socket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &WsServer::socketDisconnected); _listClients.append(socket); emit clientConnected(); #ifdef DEBUG qInfo() << MODULE_ID << "New client connected" << socket << socket->peerAddress().toString() << QString("(%1)").arg(_listClients.size()); #endif } void WsServer::socketDisconnected() { QWebSocket *socket = qobject_cast<QWebSocket *>(sender()); #ifdef DEBUG qInfo() << MODULE_ID << "Socket disconnected" << socket; #endif if (socket) { _listClients.removeAll(socket); socket->deleteLater(); } } void WsServer::processTextMessage(QString message) { #ifdef DEBUG qInfo() << MODULE_ID << "Text message received:" << message; #endif emit textMessageReceived(message); } void WsServer::processBinaryMessage(QByteArray message) { #ifdef DEBUG qInfo() << MODULE_ID << "Binary message received:" << message; #endif emit binaryMessageReceived(message); }
It works fine and every time a client connects I get the related debug message.
When the browser changes (or reloads) the page I get the socket disconnected and just after the socket connected message.As you can see, when a socket connects I print the number of clients currently connected:
qInfo() << MODULE_ID << "New client connected" << socket << socket->peerAddress().toString() << QString("(%1)").arg(_listClients.size());
and it's always 1, since I'm doing my tests with one browser only.
After changing/reloading the page some times the javascript websocket is not able to connect anymore.In this situation if I close the application I get a long list of messages about new connections and disconnections. I guess there are the failed connections I've described above.
What's wrong here? What should I change in order to keep clean the socket list and allow the browser to always connect?
One thing that is missing is the error handling. You should add that to see if something else is going on.
@SGaist I catch the following signals:
and I was able to detect a
only when I refreshed the browser page very fast, nothing else.This morning I launched my application and I connected a device to the websocket. Got the notification. Then I closed the browser. Got the notification.
Nothing else happened, but after few hours I tried again to connect but the javascript code timed out like above. No errors server side.
When I closed the application I got all the pending connection/disconnection notifications.
Please note that the browser and the server are on the same machine (I'm connecting as
).Any hint would be very appreciated!
Are you using multiple threads ?