Impossible for me to update Qt
I've noticed, recently, that for the past 2 weeks I've been unable to update my Qt environment for macOS.
Usually, when I would start Qt Creator, I'd see a loading bar at the bottom right corner of my screen, letting me know whether I have updates or not.
For the past two weeks, this bottom bar would turn red without any explanations and without reporting of any updates.
I decided to manually start the Maintenance Tool and, when I tried to check for updates through it, I get the following error message (attached to this post as a screenshot).
Any ideas what I should do?
C Christian Ehrlicher moved this topic from General and Desktop on
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Did you try to use a different mirror ?
Ok, after reading the page which that last link points to, I was indeed able to make the MaintanenceTool finally update Qt.
Still, it's quite annoying having to specify the mirror URL from the commandline. Maybe I'm just lazy, but it would be nice if the mirror list was baked into the MaintanenceTool GUI so that I could choose the mirror just from picking an URL from a dropdown or something, rather than having to dig the URLs from a web archive.
Either way, thank you for the support, everyone!