How to connect signal by drug on Qt Creator signal slot editor mode?
I use Qt Creator 11.0.2 installed by pacman in MinGW64.
I tried to connect a signal such as a push button to a text label by entering the signal/slot edit mode and dragging the placed push button onto the main window, but the red arrow for signal connect does not appear.
Is there a way to enable GUI operation in signal/slot editing mode?I made the test project by New Project > Application(Qt) > Qt widgets Application, and I was able to confirm that the connection was established by editing the code directly as shown below
public: MainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~MainWindow(); // add private slots: void print_hello(); private: Ui::MainWindow *ui;
MainWindow::~MainWindow() delete ui; } // add void MainWindow::print_hello() { std::cout << "hello!" << std::endl; }
Windows 11 Pro 21H2
MSYS2 (MinGW 64)
Qt Creator 11.0.2
mingw-w64-qt6-base 6.5.2-5 -
@bigbenbigben hey don't know if it helps, but may have a look at this tutorial here:
it's a little older video bei VoidRealms but still works. :)
Best regards -
Thank you for your reply.Probably, but the problem is solved.
For some reason in my environment, selecting buddy editting mode launches signal/slot editting mode. -