wasm project crashes after popup.close()
Qt for WebAssembly
QT: 6.5.2
MinGW: No problems
WebAssembly: popup.close() problemMaybe more people have the same experience as me and hopefully you can help me. When I run my project in webassembly, the project crahses when I trigger popup.close(). The project will end up with: Application exit (RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds)
No error occurs if I just use the normal close policies instead of the close() method. I did not encouter this problem earlier when I ran the project in previous versions. It started in version 6.5.2.
Thank you.
Popup { id: root property alias picSource: pic.source closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside parent: Overlay.overlay anchors.centerIn: Overlay.overlay background: Rectangle { id: bg color: Material.foreground opacity: 0.7 } Image { id: pic anchors.centerIn: root MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { //console.log("before popup close"); root.close(); //<<<------ //console.log("after popup close"); } } }