how to disable quick related features in C++ widget application
I have an application with pure C++ widget (macOS, Qt5.15), and
no qml,
no virtual keyboard.But when I finished
, there are related frameworks in QtQmlModels.framework QtQuick.framework QtVirtualKeyboard.framework
Is there any way to exclude them? In .pro or .qmake.conf ?
Thanks. -
@jsulm said in how to disable quick related features in C++ widget application:
@CraZy Can you show your pro file?
QT += core gui widgets network printsupport sql CONFIG += c++14
Do you pass -qml parameter to macdeployqt?
without any optionsAnd I'm sure that I do not use qml or virtual Keyboard in my code.
Can you call
otool -L
on your binary ? AFAIR, macdeployqt should only deploy frameworks linked by your application. -
I checked the output ofotool -L
of the binary and all 3rd-party libs used in this project.
No qml or virtual keyboard related lines.Interesting problem, the app can work successfully while deleting
QtQml.framework QtQmlModels.framework QtQuick.framework QtVirtualKeyboard.framework