QLibrary and QtCreator's Utils plugin
At first I tried to dynamically load QtCreator's Utils plugin into Qt based application using QPluginLoader. This produced an error that "Utils.dll" is not a valid Qt Plugin. Using QLibrary however I'm able to load it and resolve a function, but I'm having difficulties to resolve a class. Any ideas?
In Qt Creator we just link dynamically against Utils. Why do you need to do it the manual way?
I'm looking for an option to use Utils.dll without incorporating the header files from QtCreator in my sources. I need SSH classes only.
There are some very elegant classes in QtCreator sources. Sadly they are not incorporated in Qt library itself, I assume due to portability reasons.
I have the same question. There is no macro like Q_INTERFACE, how did the QPluginLoader work with it in qtcreator ?
I have used QPluginLoader to load a plugin of Qt Creator4.7.4 and got an error message "it's not a valid Qt plugin". Please..... -
AFAIR Utils is a library, not a plugin.
But Core.dll is a plugin. I got the same wrong message.
Check the code that loads plugins in Qt Creator. I never checked what it does exactly, but since we have files defining dependencies and extra information like that it most likely does more than what the normal Qt methods for plugin loading does.