Fresh Eval Install All Projects show QML Module not found - unable to edit from creator
This seems to be a commonly asked question all over the internet without a solution.
I'm trying to evaluate the latest version of QT (6.5.2) with QT Creator 11.0.2 and QT Design Studio 4.2.0
Both when opening the to-do list app example or creating a Qt quick project (with c++ ) from QT Creator. Upon double clicking the ui.qml files, they display QML Module not found (Projectname), though the application runs fine.
Other forum posts say to ignore it, but the whole reason this is problematic for me is you cannot edit the qml files at all using Designer from creator. They do not open and instead open the code file showing that error.
I want to purchase a QT commercial license and use it for several projects I have coming up, but it's hard to justify the cost when there's such a broken out-of-the-box experience. I did file a ticket with support, but I'm guessing I won't get much traction because I'm on an eval.
Bundled todolistapp example
Is the lastest version simply too 'bleeding edge' and buggy, or am I experiencing some edge case with the toolset?