QOpcUa: inspecting the cause of a connection error
General and Desktop
I'm working on a project that connects 30+ machines via QOpcUa.
It works fine but every few minutes I get a connection error:void MyOpcUa::clientError(QOpcUaClient::ClientError error) { qWarning() << "Client error changed" << error; _clientError = true; }
when it happens I get:
"Client error changed QOpcUaClient::ConnectionError
After few seconds my application reconnects to the PLC successfully. This happen to all the machine (from different manufacturers) hence it's not related to a specific item.
It happens every few minutes randomly among all the machines. Not all at the same time, though. And it happens also using the qtopcuaviewer that shows the same error.
I'm afraid it can be a network issue, but I'm wondering if there is a more detailed info about this generic "connection error".
Qt 6.4.0 on Ubuntu 22.04.