Qt4.8 for Symbian 3
I have created a small demo for Symbian^3 that uses OpenGL ES 2.0 via QGLFunctions, but it is not compiling for the device (C7 and N8). It runs fine on the desktop, though (but it is not a target platform).
The problem is that the compiler is not able to find QGLFunctions, i.e.
@C:/QtGL/QtGL/glwindow.h:23: fatal error: QTOpengl/QGLFunctions: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.@Is the QGLFunctions module supported for Symbian^3 devices, or should I revert back to QtOpenGL only? If yes, how can I install Qt 4.8 on device so that I am able to run my code?
p.s. I am aware of the smartinstaller option, and I am including it in my project settings, but it is useless if the code can't compile for the device.
Also, I am adding
@INCLUDEPATH += C:\QtSDK\Symbian\SDKs\Symbian3Qt473\epoc32\include @in the Symbian {} part in my .pro file, but seems like QGLFunctions is not in the directory. (Is there something like Symbian3Qt480 etc?)
Check the "documentation about OpenGL Support in Symbian":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/platform-notes-symbian.html#opengl-support-in-symbian Does your devices support OpenGL ES 2.0 and have you updated them to Symbian Anna or Nokia Belle?