Qt Creator snippets not working fine
Hi everybody,
I have been using Qt Creator for several years.
Some months ago, code snippets stopped working fine.
For instance, when I type "for" and press ctrl+space, the default snippet is:for (int $var$ = 0; $var$ < $total$; ++$var$) { $$ }
The snippet code completion works fine and the first $var$ is selected. But when I type the var name (let's say 'i'), all instances of $var$ should be replaced. And when I press TAB it should select $total$ so I can type there. And next TAB should go to $$
In my case, only the first $var$ is replaced with the text I type, and the TAB key just inserts a TAB there:
for (int i = 0; var < total; ++var) { }
The thing is I haven´t changed any code snippet (I'm using default snippets). I updated to Qt Creator 11 today but it does the same. I can't figure out what the issue could be. All other snippets work badly as the 'for' snippet.
Any tips?
Kind regards!