Qt Syntax Questions
I'm going through an older Qt project, and I'm recognizing the syntax. I'm seeing three backslashes "///" and on that line there's an @ something. Like @file or @author, followed by a file name or a person name respectively. Its not hard to read, but I don't recognize that as C++ syntax. They look like Java comments, but I'm only familiar with Java.
Can someone explain what the deal is here? Is this a special Qt function?
This might be "Doxygen":http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/commands.html syntax.
If so these lines are comment lines and may be parsed by Doxygen for generating doucmentation. See the provided link for more details. -
If I remember correctly Qt used also Doxygen for documentation in the past. However, it is typically not relevant. A documentation of Qt classes are readily available.
Doxygen is basically a special way to format for source code comment, so that they may retrieve certain information and assemble documentation.
Note: If you have an application's source code which is using the Doxygen notation in its comments, it has no influence on the application itself.
[quote author="koahnig" date="1330976719"]If I remember correctly Qt used also Doxygen for documentation in the past.[/quote]
Qt did not use doxygen in the past. Here is the "history":http://rant.gulbrandsen.priv.no/udoc/history :-) -
Your means the code like:
static char CCId[] = "@(#) @$Id: CompareDock.cc,v 1.19 2010/12/03 19:54:51 Giant Exp $"; -
[quote author="Andre" date="1330978716"]
Qt did not use doxygen in the past. Here is the "history":http://rant.gulbrandsen.priv.no/udoc/history :-)[/quote]Thanks for correcting my memory ;-) Interesting link with compact information.
[quote author="foxyz" date="1331023084"]Your means the code like:
static char CCId[] = "@(#) @$Id: CompareDock.cc,v 1.19 2010/12/03 19:54:51 Giant Exp $";[/quote]Hi,
this is not doxygen. This is a special technique to put version information into a binary in a platform independant way. YOu can open the binary and search for tags like "@(#)".