HEOB debugger run error
I we are running QT application on Windows 10 supported LATEPANDA board but now we are facing some issue in application so our application is crash after working 4-5 hours.
So this kind of the senario happening with our application and we have found application consumming more memory with time so we have some doude in application so may here some memory link is happening and this link i want to track, so i have installed QT debugger in HEOB those available in QT Analyzer.
In QT Analyzer HEOB in i got some error "The Heob executable must be in the appropriate location."
Have you any idea how to resolve this issue or how to come down memory link?
We are using TCP Modbut and read Modbus data very fast ready in every 1 secound around 200 parameter required to read so it can create a problem?
Thanks & Regards,
Fenil -
C Christian Ehrlicher moved this topic from General and Desktop on
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I haven't used this tool yet but did you follow Qt Creator's documentation about the setup of it ?