QT5.15.2 and qilinv10 and arm64
make -j 8 The error I encountered
How can I solve itIn file included from io/qprocess_unix.cpp:105:
In file included from ../../include/QtCore/qsocketnotifier.h:1:
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qsocketnotifier.h:117:35: error:
constexpr function never produces a constant expression
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR_NOT_WIN bool isValid() const noexcept { return *thi...
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qsocketnotifier.h:117:75: note:
undefined function 'operator!=' cannot be used in a constant expression
...bool isValid() const noexcept { return *this != QSocketDescriptor(); }
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qsocketnotifier.h:124:42: note:
declared here
friend Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR_NOT_WIN bool operator!=(QSocketDescriptor lhs, -
@quan-wei-jun said in QT5.15.2 and qilinv10 and arm64:
constexpr function never produces a constant expressionWhat is your g++ version?
g++ --version -
@quan-wei-jun said in QT5.15.2 and qilinv10 and arm64:
add -std=gnu++11 to your build and make sure gnu++11 is there.
5.4.0 is kind of low. -
@quan-wei-jun If you use QMake then like this (in your pro file):
CONFIG += c++11
@quan-wei-jun You have to do complete rebuild after changing pro file: delete build folder, run qmake and build.
@jsulm Hello, thank you very much for answering my question. Now I will tell you my steps
Step 1:
Unzip source file: sudo tar - xvf qt everywhere src-5.15.2. tar
Step 2: Install the basic environment:
Sudo apt-get install libxcb-xinerama0-dev
Sudo apt-get install '^ libxcb. * - dev' libx11-xcb dev libglu1 mesa dev libxender dev libxi dev libxkbcommon dev libxkbcommon x11 devsudo apt-get install build essential perl Python git
Sudo apt-get install flex bison gperf libicu dev libxslt dev ruby
Sudo apt get install libssl dev libxcursor dev libxcomposite dev libxdamage dev libxrandr dev libdbus-1 dev libfontconfig1 dev libcap dev libxtst dev libpulse dev libudev dev libpci dev libnss3 dev libasound2 dev libxss dev libegl1 mesa dev gperf bioson
Sudo apt get install libasound2 dev libgstreamer0.10 dev libgstreamer plugins base 0.10 dev
Sudo apt install libclang-6.0 dev llvm-6.0
Sudo apt-get install clang
Sudo apt-get install clang-8
Cd qt everywhere src-5.15.2/qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/ninja
./configure. py -- bootstrap
Ninja -- version
These are all okay
Step 3:
Modify the extracted file qt.pro and add CONFIG+=c++11
Step 4
Configure command
./configure - prefix/usr/local/Qt 5.15.2- release - open source - make examples - make tests - platform Linux lang - check all
/home/Qt_source/qt-everywhere-src-5.15.2$ ./configure -prefix /usr/local/Qt-5.15.2 -release -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -platform linux-clang -recheck-all- cd qtbase
- /home/Qt_source/qt-everywhere-src-5.15.2/qtbase/configure -top-level -prefix /usr/local/Qt-5.15.2 -release -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -platform linux-clang -recheck-all
Creating qmake...
This is the Qt Open Source Edition.
You are licensed to use this software under the terms of
the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3
or the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.Type 'L' to view the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (LGPLv3).
Type 'G' to view the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2).
Type 'y' to accept this license offer.
Type 'n' to decline this license offer.Do you accept the terms of either license?
input y
Configure summary:Build type: linux-clang (arm64, CPU features: neon)
Compiler: clang 4.0.0
Configuration: compile_examples enable_new_dtags largefile neon precompile_header shared shared rpath release c++11 c++14 concurrent dbus reduce_exports stl
Build options:
Mode ................................... release
Optimize release build for size ........ no
Building shared libraries .............. yes
Using C standard ....................... C11
Using C++ standard ..................... C++14
Using ccache ........................... no
Using new DTAGS ........................ yes
Relocatable ............................ yes
Using precompiled headers .............. yes
Using LTCG ............................. no
Target compiler supports:
NEON ................................. yes
Build parts ............................ libs tools
Qt modules and options:
Qt Concurrent .......................... yes
Qt D-Bus ............................... yes
Qt D-Bus directly linked to libdbus .... yes
Qt Gui ................................. yes
Qt Network ............................. yes
Qt Sql ................................. yes
Qt Testlib ............................. yes
Qt Widgets ............................. yes
Qt Xml ................................. yes
Support enabled for:
Using pkg-config ....................... yes
udev ................................... yes
Using system zlib ...................... yes
Zstandard support ...................... no
Qt Core:
DoubleConversion ....................... yes
Using system DoubleConversion ........ no
GLib ................................... yes
iconv .................................. no
ICU .................................... yes
Built-in copy of the MIME database ..... yes
Tracing backend ........................ <none>
Logging backends:
journald ............................. no
syslog ............................... no
slog2 ................................ no
PCRE2 .................................. yes
Using system PCRE2 ................... no
Qt Network:
getifaddrs() ........................... yes
IPv6 ifname ............................ yes
libproxy ............................... no
Linux AF_NETLINK ....................... yes
OpenSSL ................................ no
Qt directly linked to OpenSSL ........ no
OpenSSL 1.1 ............................ no
DTLS ................................... no
OCSP-stapling .......................... no
SCTP ................................... no
Use system proxies ..................... yes
GSSAPI ................................. no
Qt Gui:
Accessibility .......................... yes
FreeType ............................... yes
Using system FreeType ................ yes
HarfBuzz ............................... yes
Using system HarfBuzz ................ no
Fontconfig ............................. yes
Image formats:
GIF .................................. yes
ICO .................................. yes
JPEG ................................. yes
Using system libjpeg ............... no
PNG .................................. yes
Using system libpng ................ yes
Text formats:
HtmlParser ........................... yes
CssParser ............................ yes
OdfWriter ............................ yes
MarkdownReader ....................... yes
Using system libmd4c ............... no
MarkdownWriter ....................... yes
EGL .................................... yes
OpenVG ................................. no
Desktop OpenGL ....................... yes
OpenGL ES 2.0 ........................ no
OpenGL ES 3.0 ........................ no
OpenGL ES 3.1 ........................ no
OpenGL ES 3.2 ........................ no
Vulkan ................................. no
Session Management ..................... yes
Features used by QPA backends:
evdev .................................. yes
libinput ............................... no
INTEGRITY HID .......................... no
mtdev .................................. no
tslib .................................. no
xkbcommon .............................. yes
X11 specific:
XLib ................................. yes
XCB Xlib ............................. yes
EGL on X11 ........................... yes
xkbcommon-x11 ........................ yes
QPA backends:
DirectFB ............................... no
EGLFS .................................. yes
EGLFS details:
EGLFS OpenWFD ........................ no
EGLFS i.Mx6 .......................... no
EGLFS i.Mx6 Wayland .................. no
EGLFS RCAR ........................... no
EGLFS EGLDevice ...................... yes
EGLFS GBM ............................ no
EGLFS VSP2 ........................... no
EGLFS Mali ........................... no
EGLFS Raspberry Pi ................... no
EGLFS X11 ............................ yes
LinuxFB ................................ yes
VNC .................................... yes
Using system-provided xcb-xinput ..... no
Native painting (experimental) ....... no
GL integrations:
GLX Plugin ......................... yes
XCB GLX .......................... yes
EGL-X11 Plugin ..................... yes
Qt Sql:
SQL item models ........................ yes
Qt Widgets:
GTK+ ................................... no
Styles ................................. Fusion Windows
Qt PrintSupport:
CUPS ................................... no
Qt Sql Drivers:
DB2 (IBM) .............................. no
InterBase .............................. no
MySql .................................. no
OCI (Oracle) ........................... no
ODBC ................................... no
PostgreSQL ............................. no
SQLite2 ................................ no
SQLite ................................. yes
Using system provided SQLite ......... no
TDS (Sybase) ........................... no
Qt Testlib:
Tester for item models ................. yes
Serial Port:
ntddmodm ............................... no
Qt SerialBus:
Socket CAN ............................. yes
Socket CAN FD .......................... yes
SerialPort Support ..................... yes
Further Image Formats:
JasPer ................................. no
MNG .................................... no
TIFF ................................... yes
Using system libtiff ................. no
WEBP ................................... yes
Using system libwebp ................. no
QML network support .................... yes
QML debugging and profiling support .... yes
QML just-in-time compiler .............. yes
QML sequence object .................... yes
QML XML http request ................... yes
QML Locale ............................. yes
Qt QML Models:
QML list model ......................... yes
QML delegate model ..................... yes
Qt Quick:
Direct3D 12 ............................ no
AnimatedImage item ..................... yes
Canvas item ............................ yes
Support for Qt Quick Designer .......... yes
Flipable item .......................... yes
GridView item .......................... yes
ListView item .......................... yes
TableView item ......................... yes
Path support ........................... yes
PathView item .......................... yes
Positioner items ....................... yes
Repeater item .......................... yes
ShaderEffect item ...................... yes
Sprite item ............................ yes
Assimp ................................. yes
System Assimp .......................... no
Qt Scxml:
ECMAScript data model for QtScxml ...... yes
Qt Gamepad:
SDL2 ................................... no
Qt 3D:
Assimp ................................. yes
System Assimp .......................... no
Output Qt3D GL traces .................. no
Use SSE2 instructions .................. no
Use AVX2 instructions .................. no
Render aspect ........................ yes
Input aspect ......................... yes
Logic aspect ......................... yes
Animation aspect ..................... yes
Extras aspect ........................ yes
Qt 3D Renderers:
OpenGL Renderer ........................ yes
RHI Renderer ........................... no
Qt 3D GeometryLoaders:
Autodesk FBX ........................... no
Qt Wayland Drivers:
EGL .................................... yes
Raspberry Pi ........................... no
XComposite EGL ......................... yes
XComposite GLX ......................... yes
DRM EGL ................................ yes
libhybris EGL .......................... no
Linux dma-buf server buffer integration . yes
Vulkan-based server buffer integration . no
Shm emulation server buffer integration . yes
Qt Wayland Client Shell Integrations:
xdg-shell .............................. yes
xdg-shell unstable v5 (deprecated) ..... yes
xdg-shell unstable v6 .................. yes
ivi-shell .............................. yes
wl-shell (deprecated) .................. yes
Qt Wayland Client ........................ yes
Qt Wayland Compositor .................... yes
Qt Wayland Compositor Layer Plugins:
VSP2 hardware layer integration ........ no
Qt Bluetooth:
BlueZ .................................. no
BlueZ Low Energy ....................... no
Linux Crypto API ....................... no
Native Win32 Bluetooth ................. no
WinRT Bluetooth API (desktop & UWP) .... no
WinRT advanced bluetooth low energy API (desktop & UWP) . no
Qt Sensors:
sensorfw ............................... no
Qt Quick Controls 2:
Styles ................................. Default Fusion Imagine Material Universal
Qt Quick Templates 2:
Hover support .......................... yes
Multi-touch support .................... yes
Qt Positioning:
Gypsy GPS Daemon ....................... no
WinRT Geolocation API .................. no
Qt Location:
Qt.labs.location experimental QML plugin . yes
Geoservice plugins:
OpenStreetMap ........................ yes
HERE ................................. yes
Esri ................................. yes
Mapbox ............................... yes
MapboxGL ............................. yes
Itemsoverlay ......................... yes
XML schema support ..................... yes
Qt Multimedia:
ALSA ................................... yes
GStreamer 1.0 .......................... yes
GStreamer 0.10 ......................... no
Video for Linux ........................ yes
OpenAL ................................. no
PulseAudio ............................. yes
Resource Policy (libresourceqt5) ....... no
Windows Audio Services ................. no
DirectShow ............................. no
Windows Media Foundation ............... no
Qt TextToSpeech:
Flite .................................. no
Flite with ALSA ........................ no
Speech Dispatcher ...................... no
Qt Tools:
Qt Assistant ........................... yes
Qt Designer ............................ yes
Qt Distance Field Generator ............ yes
kmap2qmap .............................. yes
Qt Linguist ............................ yes
Mac Deployment Tool .................... no
makeqpf ................................ yes
pixeltool .............................. yes
qdbus .................................. yes
qev .................................... yes
Qt Attributions Scanner ................ yes
qtdiag ................................. yes
qtpaths ................................ yes
qtplugininfo ........................... yes
Windows deployment tool ................ no
WinRT Runner Tool ...................... no
Qt Tools:
QDoc ................................... yes
Qt WebEngine Build Tools:
Use System Ninja ....................... yes
Use System Gn .......................... no
Jumbo Build Merge Limit ................ 8
Developer build ........................ no
Sanitizer .............................. no
QtWebEngine required system libraries:
fontconfig ........................... yes
dbus ................................. yes
nss .................................. yes
khr .................................. yes
glibc ................................ yes
QtWebEngine required system libraries for qpa-xcb:
x11 .................................. yes
libdrm ............................... yes
xcomposite ........................... yes
xcursor .............................. yes
xi ................................... yes
xtst ................................. yes
Optional system libraries used:
re2 .................................. no
icu .................................. no
libwebp, libwebpmux and libwebpdemux . no
opus ................................. no
ffmpeg ............................... no
libvpx ............................... no
snappy ............................... no
glib ................................. yes
zlib ................................. yes
minizip .............................. no
libevent ............................. no
jsoncpp .............................. no
protobuf ............................. no
libxml2 and libxslt .................. yes
lcms2 ................................ no
png .................................. no
JPEG ................................. no
harfbuzz ............................. no
freetype ............................. yes
Qt WebEngineCore:
Embedded build ......................... no
Full debug information ................. no
Pepper Plugins ......................... yes
Printing and PDF ....................... yes
Proprietary Codecs ..................... no
Spellchecker ........................... yes
Native Spellchecker .................... no
WebRTC ................................. yes
PipeWire over GIO ...................... no
Geolocation ............................ yes
WebChannel support ..................... yes
Kerberos Authentication ................ no
Extensions ............................. yes
Node.js ................................ yes
Support qpa-xcb ........................ yes
Use ALSA ............................... yes
Use PulseAudio ......................... yes
Qt WebEngineQml:
Support Qt WebEngine Qml ............... yes
UI Delegates ........................... yes
Test Support ........................... no
Qt WebEngineWidgets:
Support Qt WebEngine Widgets ........... yes
Support V8 ............................. no
Support XFA ............................ no
Support XFA-BMP ........................ no
Support XFA-GIF ........................ no
Support XFA-PNG ........................ no
Support XFA-TIFF ....................... no
Qt PDF Widgets:
Support Qt PDF Widgets ................. yesNote: Disabling X11 Accessibility Bridge: D-Bus or AT-SPI is missing.
Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'make'.
Once everything is built, you must run 'make install'.
Qt will be installed into '/usr/local/Qt-5.15.2'.Prior to reconfiguration, make sure you remove any leftovers from
the previous build.step6:
make -j 8Then, which error will appear that I want to solve? Can you take a look at which step was wrong? Thank you very much
@quan-wei-jun Are you building Qt?!
yes,I haven't been successful in building it for a long time. Can you help memake -j 8 The error I encountered
How can I solve itIn file included from io/qprocess_unix.cpp:105:
In file included from ../../include/QtCore/qsocketnotifier.h:1:
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qsocketnotifier.h:117:35: error:
constexpr function never produces a constant expression
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR_NOT_WIN bool isValid() const noexcept { return *thi...
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qsocketnotifier.h:117:75: note:
undefined function 'operator!=' cannot be used in a constant expression
...bool isValid() const noexcept { return *this != QSocketDescriptor(); }
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qsocketnotifier.h:124:42: note:
declared here
friend Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR_NOT_WIN bool operator!=(QSocketDescriptor lhs, -
@quan-wei-jun said in QT5.15.2 and qilinv10 and arm64:
Build type: linux-clang (arm64, CPU features: neon)
Compiler: clang 4.0.0It looks like you're using Clang and not GCC as compiler.
"-platform linux-clang" - is wrong I would say. -
@quan-wei-jun said in QT5.15.2 and qilinv10 and arm64:
Do you know how to modify it
Instead of -platform linux-clang pass a parameter to configure matching your target platform
@jsulm said in QT5.15.2 and qilinv10 and arm64:
How to configure my platform for Linux -
我认为应该linux-clang编译器是可以的,为什么我会这样想--因为它已经可以make了,只不过是make之中出现的错误是不是应该考虑换一个linux-clang.但是又有一个问题就是如何选择linux-clang的版本问题了I think the Linux lang compiler is possible, why do I think so? Because it can already be made, but it's just an error in making. Should we consider switching to a different Linux lang? However, another issue is how to choose the version of Linux lan
@quan-wei-jun The Error:In file included from io/qprocess_unix.cpp:105:
In file included from ../../include/QtCore/qsocketnotifier.h:1:
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qsocketnotifier.h:117:35: error:
constexpr function never produces a constant expression
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR_NOT_WIN bool isValid() const noexcept { return *thi...
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qsocketnotifier.h:117:75: note:
undefined function 'operator!=' cannot be used in a constant expression
...bool isValid() const noexcept { return *this != QSocketDescriptor(); }
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qsocketnotifier.h:124:42: note:
declared here
friend Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR_NOT_WIN bool operator!=(QSocketDescriptor lhs,key:
constexpr function never produces a constant expression