Does drawLine(...) draw endpoints?
There's nothing said about the endpoints in documentation:
If it doesn't, how do I know it (without manual testing)?
S SGaist moved this topic from Qt in Education on
@SGaist Hello,
No. Suppose we have some vertex and a bunch (say, N) of edges connected to it. I iterate over each edge, drawing it with drawLine, and I want to know, will the vertex be drawn N times? Will the pixel, containing the vertex, be redrawn N times?If it will, that means, that if I drew all edges with some transparency, the pixel, containing the vertex, would be more opaque than the edges.
Or maybe the point-difference will be just too negligible to have some effect on the color of the pixel...
That's a good question, I currently don't remember whether there will be optimisation in the backend if several operations happens on the same segment.
Based on the names you use, wouldn't it make more sense to use OpenGL ?