I want to use custommaterial which can show advancedcustommaterial example in QtCreator,but I got two trouble.
Here is my code in QtDesign studio 4.0
CustomMaterial { id: customMaterial1 property color ambient: Qt.rgba(0.15, 0.35, 0.50, 1.0) property color ka: Qt.rgba(0.15, 0.35, 0.50, 1.0)//ambient property color specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) property real shininess: 150.0 property real textureScale: 1.0 property real offsetx: 0.0 property real offsety: 0.0 property real wavescale: 0.0 property real specularity: 1.0 property real waveheight: 0.1 property real waveStrenght: 0.1 property real normalAmount: 2.0 property real waveRandom: 1.0 property real texCoordScale: 1.0 property real vertYpos: 0.0 property TextureInput foamTexture: TextureInput { enabled: true texture:Texture{ id: foamTexture source:"../../../textures/foam.jpg"} } property TextureInput skyTexture: TextureInput { enabled: true texture: Texture{ id: skyTexture source:"../../../textures/sky.jpg" } } property TextureInput waveTexture: TextureInput { enabled: true texture: Texture{ id: waveTexture source:"../../../textures/Waterwave.jpg" } } property TextureInput specularTexture: TextureInput { enabled: true texture: Texture{ id: specularTexture source:"../../../textures/WaterSpecular.jpg" } } property TextureInput diffuseTexture: TextureInput { enabled: true texture:Texture{ id: diffuseTexture source:"../../../textures/WaterDiffuse.jpg" } } property TextureInput normalTexture: TextureInput { enabled: true texture:Texture{ id: normalTexture source:"../../../textures/WaterNormal.jpg" } } shadingMode: CustomMaterial.Unshaded vertexShader: "../../../shaders/test/water.vert" fragmentShader: "../../../shaders/test/water.frag" }
I got two error in QtCreator when I am changing projection from QtDesign Studio to QtCreator
QSpirvCompiler: Failed to parse shader
Failed to compile vertex shader:"custom material -->water.vert>water.frag:a46ea2d3d2c9243dfc30960db194be3a87c3dd21;hasLighting=true;lightCount=5;specularModel=Default;;diffuseMap={;;;;};emissiveMap={;;;;};specularMap={;;;;};baseColorMap={;;;;};bumpMap={;;;;};specularAmountMap={;;;;};normalMap={;;;;};clearcoatNormalMap={;;;;};opacityMap={;;;;};roughnessMap={;;;;};metalnessMap={;;;;};occlusionMap={;;;;};translucencyMap={;;;;};heightMap={;;;;};clearcoatMap={;;;;};clearcoatRoughnessMap={;;;;};transmissionMap={;;;;};thicknessMap={;;;;};opacityMap_channel=R;roughnessMap_channel=R;metalnessMap_channel=R;occlusionMap_channel=R;translucencyMap_channel=R;heightMap_channel=R;clearcoatMap_channel=R;clearcoatRoughnessMap_channel=R;transmissionMap_channel=R;thicknessMap_channel=R;boneCount=0;overridesPosition=true;alphaMode=Default;;vertexAttributes={position=true;normal=true;texcoord0=true;;tangent=true;binormal=true;;}};morphTargetCount=0;morphTarget0Attributes={;;;;;;;}};morphTarget1Attributes={;;;;;;;}};morphTarget2Attributes={;;;;;;;}};morphTarget3Attributes={;;;;;;;}};morphTarget4Attributes={;;;;;;;}};morphTarget5Attributes={;;;;;;;}};morphTarget6Attributes={;;;;;;;}};morphTarget7Attributes={;;;;;;;}}"
"ERROR: :65: 'location' : overlapping use of location 16\nERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated."
QSpirvCompiler: Failed to parse shader
Failed to compile vertex shader:"custom material -->water.vert>water.frag:a46ea2d3d2c9243dfc30960db194be3a87c3dd21;hasLighting=true;lightCount=5; ... same as above"
"ERROR: :63: 'location' : overlapping use of location 16\nERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated."There is my shader.vert:
#version 330 core
VARYING vec3 vertexPosition;
VARYING vec3 vertexNormal;
VARYING vec2 vertexTexCoord;
VARYING vec4 vertexTangent;VARYING vec3 worldPosition;
VARYING vec3 worldNormal;
VARYING vec4 worldTangent;
VARYING vec2 texCoord;
VARYING vec2 movtexCoord;
VARYING vec2 multexCoord;
VARYING vec2 waveTexCoord;
VARYING vec2 skyTexCoord;
VARYING vec3 vpos;VARYING mat4 modelMatrix;
VARYING mat3 modelNormalMatrix;
VARYING mat4 mvp;VARYING vec3 eyePosition;
void MAIN()
modelMatrix = MODEL_MATRIX
modelNormalMatrix = NORMAL_MATRIX
mvp = MODELVIEWPROJECTION_MATRIXvertexPosition = VERTEX vertexNormal = NORMAL vertexTexCoord = UV0 vertexTangent = TANGENT eyePosition = CAMERA_POSITION // Scale texture coordinates for for fragment shader texCoord = vertexTexCoord * texCoordScale; movtexCoord = vertexTexCoord * texCoordScale; multexCoord = vertexTexCoord * (texCoordScale*0.5); waveTexCoord = vertexTexCoord * (texCoordScale * 6); skyTexCoord = vertexTexCoord * (texCoordScale * 0.2); // Add Animated x and y Offset to SKY, MOV and MUL texCoords movtexCoord = vec2(texCoord.x+offsetx,texCoord.y+offsety); multexCoord = vec2(texCoord.x-offsetx,texCoord.y+offsety); skyTexCoord = vec2(texCoord.x-(offsetx/2),texCoord.y-(offsety/2)); // Transform position, normal, and tangent to world coords worldPosition = vec3(modelMatrix * vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0)); worldNormal = normalize(modelNormalMatrix * vertexNormal); worldTangent.xyz = normalize(vec3(modelMatrix * vec4(vertexTangent.xyz, 0.0))); worldTangent.w = vertexTangent.w; // Calculate animated vertex positions float sinPos = (vertexPosition.z)+(vertexPosition.x); float sinPos2 = (vertexPosition.y/2)+(vertexPosition.z); vec3 vertMod = vec3(vertexPosition.x,vertexPosition.y,vertexPosition.z); vertMod = vec3(vertMod.x+=sin(vertYpos*2.2-sinPos2)*waveheight, vertMod.y=sin(vertYpos*2.2+sinPos)*waveheight, vertMod.z-=sin(vertYpos*2.2-cos(sinPos2))*waveheight); vec3 vertModCom = vec3(vertMod.x+=cos(vertYpos*2.2-cos(sinPos2))*waveheight, vertMod.y=sin(vertYpos*2.2+cos(sinPos))*waveheight, vertMod.z-=cos(vertYpos*2.2-cos(sinPos))*waveheight); // Add wave animation only to vertices above world pos.y zero if(vertexPosition.y < 0.0){vertModCom = vertexPosition;} else{vertModCom = vertModCom;} vpos = vertModCom; // Calculate vertex position in clip coordinates POSITION = mvp * vec4(vertModCom, 1.0);
The errors you are encountering suggest that there is a problem with the location attribute in your vertex shader. In OpenGL, the location attribute specifies the index of a vertex attribute in the shader program, and it should be unique for each attribute.
In your case, it seems that two vertex attributes are using the same location (location 16), which is causing the conflict. To resolve this issue, you should check your vertex shader code and ensure that each attribute has a unique location specified.
One way to do this is to explicitly specify the location for each attribute in the shader code, like this:
layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertexPosition;
layout(location = 1) in vec3 vertexNormal;
layout(location = 2) in vec2 vertexTexCoord;
layout(location = 3) in vec4 vertexTangent;Then, you should update your QtDesign code to match the specified locations for each vertex attribute in the shader.
If the issue persists, you could also try checking if there are any conflicting locations specified in the QtDesign Studio UI.
Also, you may want to ensure that you are using the correct version of the shader language in your shader code. The code you provided uses version 330 core, which should work for most modern OpenGL implementations.