QComboBox makes app invisible and throws setGeometry Error.
General and Desktop
I added a QComboBox to the application and sometimes when I click the qcombobox it makes the app hidden and throws the following error...
setGeometry: Unable to set geometry 916x739-2147483648+208 (frame: 916x739-2147483648+208) on QWidgetWindow/"attendanceWindow" on "\\.\DISPLAY1". Resulting geometry: 916x739-32768+208 (frame: 916x739-32768+208) margins: 0, 0, 0, 0 minimum size: 200x200 MINMAXINFO(maxSize=POINT(x=1920, y=1080), maxpos=POINT(x=0, y=0), maxtrack=POINT(x=0, y=0), mintrack=POINT(x=250, y=250)))
I am on Windows 10 and running Qt 6.3.1.
I have made a label white for background and dragged a QComboBox on it, its not in any layout
and it contains 4 entries.Can anyone help me with this
@LimeLight You should provide more information:
- On what OS?
- Qt version
- Is the combo box in a layout?
- Does the combo box have any content (if it does: how long are the entries?)?