get wrong coordinates for mouse on a 2. screen from a QGLWidget
Hello, since we moved from Qt4 to Qt5.15.3 with Coin3D and SoQt our app has a pixel displacement in
the QGLWidget x=8 y=31 when it is started on a second screen. A long analysis showed that GLWidget::QGLContext::QWindow has exactly these fullFrameMargins. When starting on the primary screen the QWindow gets the same values but then they are overwritten by platformWindow->setFullFrameMargins with 0,0,0,0 and everything is ok.This happens on Win10 (both Displays have the same resolution) and we use VS2017.
Any suggestions? Do you need more information?
Thanks plani -
Note: This class is part of the legacy Qt OpenGL module and, like the other QGL classes, should be avoided in the new applications. Instead, starting from Qt 5.4, prefer using QOpenGLWidget and the QOpenGL classes.