The documentations of QPointF::dotProduct sort of suggests that this returns a value that is the lengthsquared which might be interpreted as the distance between the two points. I realise that it actually computes the matrix dot product which for the two points:
QPointF p( 3.1, 7.1);
QPointF q(-1.0, 4.1);will indeed be 26.01
However the distance between the two points is clearly:
sqrt(pow(p.x()-q.x(),2) + pow(p.y()-q.y(), 2)); Which is 5.0804.
I think it would be beneficial to update the docs to explain that you'd use the dot product for as it doesn't return distance squared!
Since when can 'dot product' interpreted as distance betwen two points?
@Perdrix said in QPointF::dotProduct():
so when would I want to use the dotProduct of two QPointFs?
When you need to calculate the dot product between two vectors I would guess?
https://code.woboq.org/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qstroker.cpp.html#569And see wikipedia link I gave you why you need a dot product of two vectors.
@Perdrix said in QPointF::dotProduct():
The question is why/when I would want to form the dot product of two points.
Think of a "point" as a "position vector" from the origin to that point. Does that help?
The documentations of QPointF::dotProduct sort of suggests that this returns a value that is the lengthsquared
This has been fixed in Qt 6.3 documentation: