QChart: using QDateTimeAxis with QAreaSeries
General and Desktop
I can only find a reference for using QDateTimeAxis with QSeries: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtcharts-datetimeaxis-example.html
But i want to use it with QAreaSeries. And i don't succeed to apply for that.
Is there any reference/example for inter-op of QDateTimeAxis with QAreaSeries? -
I created an example here: https://github.com/FBergemann/DateTimeAxis-MultipleSeries
Doing so, i had to recognize, that is already fails for adding a 2nd series.
It doesn't display the 2nd series properly, but cuts it off at the top. -
i updated https://github.com/FBergemann/DateTimeAxis-MultipleSeries
hacked, but seems to work (clean-up required)Is it correct to add both: QLineSeries and QAreaSeries?
No, this has to be avoided - example will be fixed again.