Reading subfolders
My program is created for reading all .cpp and .h files then count line numbers in a folder. But I want to add one more condition which is check that if there is more subfolders. For example, If I want to read /D folder, the program should read all of the /D folder's .cpp and .h files and subfolders which contains .cpp and .h files. Afterward, all of the files must be seen in the program. Here is my program and codes:
void MainWindow::addItemToList(const QString &file, const int &fileSize, const int &count) { QTableWidgetItem *iFileName = new QTableWidgetItem(file); QTableWidgetItem *iFileSize = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(fileSize)); QTableWidgetItem *iFileCount = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(count)); int rowCount = ui->tableWidget->rowCount(); ui->tableWidget->insertRow(rowCount); rowCount = ui->tableWidget->rowCount(); ui->tableWidget->setItem(rowCount-1, 0, iFileName); ui->tableWidget->setItem(rowCount-1, 1, iFileSize); ui->tableWidget->setItem(rowCount-1, 2, iFileCount); } QFileInfoList MainWindow::getFileListFromDir(const QString &directory) { QDir qdir(directory); QFileInfoList fileList = qdir.entryInfoList(QStringList() << "*.h" << "*.hpp" << "*.c" << "*.cpp", QDir::Files); return fileList; } void MainWindow::on_Browse_clicked() { QString path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Open Directory"), "/home", QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks); if(path.isEmpty()) return; ui->FullPath->setText(path); } void MainWindow::on_Ok_clicked() { QString path = ui->FullPath->text(); if(path.isEmpty()) return; ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(0); QFileInfoList fileList = getFileListFromDir(path); int count = 0; foreach(const QFileInfo& file, fileList) { count = m_ig->funcCountLines(file.filePath()); addItemToList(file.filePath(), file.size(), count); } }
QDir::entryInfoList() can also return the subdirectories.
@eefesafak said in Reading subfolders:
QFileInfoList fileList = qdir.entryInfoList(QStringList() << "*.h" << "*.hpp" << "*.c" << "*.cpp", QDir::Files);
This only fetches files. Somewhere you need to use similar to fetch directories/folders, and recurse on them finding sub-folders/files.
@Christian-Ehrlicher How can i do that by using entryInfoList()? Do you have any suggestions?
@eefesafak said in Reading subfolders:
How can i do that by using entryInfoList()?
I don't understand this question. When you find a subdirectory then call entryInfoList on this directory.
@eefesafak said in Reading subfolders:
How can i do that by using entryInfoList()
Please read documentation!
Currently you only read files by passing QDir::Files.
You can also read directories: QDir::Files | QDir::AllDirs
QDir::AllDirs ignores the name filter (as mentioned in the documentation), so you will also get all directories. -
@jsulm said in Reading subfolders:
You can also read directories: QDir::Files | QDir::AllDirs
Probably easiest for you if you useQDir::Files | QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot
.You either pass this on your existing call to get directories, as well as files matching the pattern, and then use
to recognise which returned entries are directories so you can recurse on them, or issue a separate call withQDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot
to deal with the sub-directories only. -
@eefesafak said in Reading subfolders:
For example, I want to see "/home/efe/ImageInverter/efe/main.cpp".
That's why you need to reqursevly go into subfolders as @JonB already suggested.
This is a popular programming exercise by the way.