how to change qmake configuration from using clang version10 to 12
I'm a newbee to qt. I need to use clang++-12 compiler.
I now have clang++ (version 10?) working on an exist project using ubuntu 20.04.
I've changed from the default GNU compiler to clang++ using apt install clang++, and this works.I'm tried using qtcreator menu by opening an existing project file *.pro file on a fresh build.
I used tools -> options -> Kits -> compiler , select clang version 12 listed.
pressed apply and then OK.
I then re-executed qmake -spec /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/mkspecs/linux-clang project.proAny suggestions on how to make clank++-12 work??
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What exact issue or error are you getting ?
From what you describe, things seems to be going correctly. -
Usually clang++ is a symbolic link, where does it point to ?