How to import external library at run time
General and Desktop
Dear Developers,
Please inform me whether there is way to import external library in qt at run time.
Right now I am importing external library for example "mcp2221_dll_um_x64" by using following lines in .pro file.
win32: LIBS += -L$$PWD/3rdparty/libs/mcp2221lib/ -lmcp2221_dll_um_x64 INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/3rdparty/libs/mcp2221lib DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/3rdparty/libs/mcp2221lib
But I want to import external libraries by passing their names in constructor of C++ class at runtime as follows:
Please inform me whether there a way to do it.
Please inform me if you need any other information from me.
Thanks :)
@saurabh162 If you want to load a library at runtime use
@jsulm Thank you very much for the information I will try it out and update.