Help me understand this QMake condition
I ran into the following QMake condition:
CONFIG(debug, debug|release){ LIBS += -lqextserialportd } else{ LIBS += -lqextserialport }
What does that mean exactly, My guess is if the first condition is true, then go to the first line and if the second condition is true then go to the 'else' clause?
But doesn't this mean that it will go to else clause because whether the build is debug or release the second condition is true?
@Curtwagner1984 Else is executed in case of a release build, the first one is for debug build.
The reason is that for debug build debug version of the qextserialport lib is used (did you notice this d at the end of lqextserialportd?).
"But doesn't this mean that it will go to else clause because whether the build is debug or release the second condition is true?" - not sure what you mean. There are only two conditions here: release or debug.