Qt Creator 7.0.0 symbol sort order
By default, the symbols in the editor toolbar are sorted in the same order as the open document. How do I change the symbol sort order?
The Qt Creator manual says this"To jump to any symbol used in the current file, select it from the Symbols drop-down menu (2). By default, the symbols are displayed in the order in which they appear in the file. Right-click the menu title and select Sort Alphabetically to arrange the symbols in alphabetic order."
However, when I right click over the "menu title" I get the drop down list of symbols. That said it's not clear to me what "menu title" is referring to but then nothing I've right clicked on brings up a menu to allow me to to change the order.
Also, I note my editor toolbar doesn't quite look like the example in the manual, viz.
Is this a bug, user error, corrupt settings file or what?