Window Component not showing up in Deisgner for QtQuick qml
QML and Qt Quick
My Previously Designed project for which I used Qt Community 5.0.2 but now I have installed Qt Community 7.0.0 but its not showing the main Window component in the design tab for some reason can anyone give any solution to this ?
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Window 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQml 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import "controls" import QtQuick.Timeline 1.0 Window { id: mainWindow width: 413 height: 500 visible: true title: qsTr("Login") color: "#00000000" //flags: Qt.SplashScreen | Qt.FramelessWindowHint property string opac property string dur QtObject{ id: verified function verify(lbltxt){ if(lbltxt == "1.0"){ var component = Qt.createComponent("dashboard.qml") var win = component.createObject() visible = false } } } QtObject{ } Rectangle { id: bg visible: true color: "#181818" radius: 10 border.color: "#00000000" border.width: 10 anchors.fill: parent anchors.rightMargin: 0 anchors.bottomMargin: 0 anchors.leftMargin: 0 anchors.topMargin: 0 CustomTxt { id: textPsw x: 57 y: 329 font.italic: true font.bold: false "Century Gothic" placeholderText: "Password" echoMode: "Password" } Connections{ target: user function onGetUser(opc, dur){ opcanime.opacity = 1.0 } function onGetOpac(opc, dur){ verifylbl.text = "1.0" opac = opc } } Label { id: verifylbl x: 8 y: 263 width: 26 height: 13 visible: false color: "#ebeef2" text: qsTr("Login") } Rectangle { id: titlebar x: 0 y: 0 width: 413 height: 30 color: "#181818" radius: 10 border.width: 0 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent property point lastMousePos: Qt.point(0, 0) onPressed: { lastMousePos = Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY); } onMouseXChanged: mainWindow.x += (mouseX - lastMousePos.x) onMouseYChanged: mainWindow.y += (mouseY - lastMousePos.y) Image { id: image x: 13 y: 8 width: 392 height: 281 source: "../../../../../../test.png" fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } } } Rectangle{ id:opcanime x: 57 y: 375 color:"#00000000" implicitHeight: 20 implicitWidth: 170 opacity: 0 Label { id: wrong color: "#f50b0b" opacity: 1.0 text: qsTr("Wrong Username or Password") anchors.fill: parent smooth: true "Century Gothic" } } CustomBtn { id: loginbtn x: 57 y: 431 width: 129 height: 40 text: "Login" colorPressed: "#c12c313e" colorMouseOver: "#782c313e" colorDefault: "#2c313e" font.pointSize: 8 font.bold: false onPressed: { user.login_user(textUsr.text, textPsw.text) } onClicked: { verified.verify(verifylbl.text) } } CustomBtn { id: quitbtn x: 385 y: 8 width: 20 height: 15 text: "X" colorDefault: "#0046547e" onClicked: close() } CustomBtn { id: signup x: 228 y: 431 width: 129 height: 40 text: "Sign Up" colorPressed: "#c12c313e" colorMouseOver: "#782c313e" colorDefault: "#2c313e" font.bold: false onClicked: { var component = Qt.createComponent("signup.qml") var win = component.createObject() } } CustomTxt { id: textUsr x: 57 y: 263 font.italic: true } } }
This is my QML code but in designer the window wont show up and because of which i cant design any further please help
This is what I am seeing when I am opening Form Editor