Can't play again QSoundEffect when inside a QThread
I have created a class with a QSoundEffect and a QThread inside, the goal is to play the sound inside the thread.
My code worked, I can play the sound once thanks to this code :SoundAlert.h :
#ifndef SOUNDALERT_H #define SOUNDALERT_H #include <QObject> #include <QSoundEffect> class SoundAlert : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: SoundAlert(QUrl soundUrl); ~SoundAlert(); public slots: void play(); private: QSoundEffect* _sound; QThread* _thread; }; #endif // SOUNDALERT_H
SoundAlert.cpp :
#include "SoundAlert.h" #include "MyApplication.h" SoundAlert::SoundAlert(QUrl soundUrl){ _sound = new QSoundEffect; _sound->setSource(soundUrl); _thread = new QThread; _sound->moveToThread(_thread); _thread->start(); QObject::connect(_sound, &QSoundEffect;::playingChanged, this, [=](){ qDebug() << "SoundAlert playingChanged:" << _sound->isPlaying(); }); } SoundAlert::~SoundAlert(){ _thread->quit(); _sound->deleteLater(); _thread->deleteLater(); } void SoundAlert::play(){ if(_sound->status() == _sound->Ready && !_sound->isPlaying()){ _sound->play(); } }
However, if I try to play the sound many times thanks to a recurring signal, it plays just once.
The test
is used to avoid stopping sound before the end.The issue is the playing attribut of the QSoundEffect that is never change to false. I've tried without the QThread and I have no issue, it plays the sound many times and I can see the playing attribut as false. Do you have an idea?
My Qt version is 5.15.7 and I am on Windows.
Edit: I modified the code to be more complete.
@mipr said in Can't play again QSoundEffect when inside a QThread:
My Qt version is 5.15.7 and I am on Windows.
Since this is a commercial version you should also ask the Qt support for help.
A fully, minimal example would be good though. -
@Christian-Ehrlicher Thanks for your answer.
I have just contacted Qt support, I don't usually use this method. Thanks for your advice!
I changed the code of my original post. I hope having these complete files can help, I can't release more as the application is quite large.
The signal connected to theplay()
method (of SoundAlert) is equivalent to a QTimer with an infinite loop. -
@mipr said in Can't play again QSoundEffect when inside a QThread:
The signal connected to the play() method (of SoundAlert) is equivalent to a QTimer with an infinite loop.
Can you show us the connection?
@Christian-Ehrlicher I tried with a QTimer instead of the other connection (because it is hard to understand without the context) and I find the same behavior.
SoundAlert* soundAlert = new SoundAlert( QUrl::fromLocalFile(":/resources/sounds/mySound.wav")); QTimer* testTimer = new QTimer(); testTimer->setInterval(2000); QObject::connect(testTimer, &QTimer::timeout, soundAlert, &SoundAlert::play); testTimer->start();
Without the thread part, the sound is played many times. And with, the sound is played once.
When I remove the thread part I just comment these two lines (SoundAlert.cpp):
//_sound->moveToThread(_thread); //_thread->start();