Position of an object mapped relative to its parent
I have a widget with several objects in it.
The position of the objects inside is calculated based on its relative position to its parent.
I use that position to execute my mouse right click.Unfortunately when I scroll up and down inside the main widget itself, and right click on an object inside, the menu does not appear where I click, but somewhere else, based perhaps on where the object would have been earlier had I not moved the main widget..
Please suggest a workaround. I'm new at this.
@QGraphicsScene *parentScene = this->scene();
//Get parent views
QList<QGraphicsView *> parentViewList = parentScene->views();
QPoint viewPos = parentViewList.at(0)->mapToGlobal(QPoint(event->pos().x(),event->pos().y()));//int x = this->pos().x() + viewPos.x();
//int y = this->pos().y() + viewPos.y();menu.exec(QPoint((this->pos().x() + viewPos.x()),(this->pos().y() + viewPos.y())));
@Thank you.
Anyone, please?
I'm new to this, so would like some help.
Thank you. -
Have you tried using maptFromGlobal() instead?
Solved it.
Simple matter of usingexec(QCursor::pos());