Qt6/QML override final property
General and Desktop
There's the following in QuickWindow:
class Q_QUICK_EXPORT QQuickItem : public QObject, public QQmlParserStatus { Q_PROPERTY(qreal x READ x WRITE setX NOTIFY xChanged BINDABLE bindableX FINAL)
And the following in my class:
class QuickWindow : public QuickItem { Q_PROPERTY(int X READ x WRITE setX NOTIFY xChanged)
And I do get the this at runtime:
Final member x is overridden in class QuickWindow. The override won't be used.
In Qt6, is there a way to override a final property like FINAL OVERRIDE ?
No, that's the goal of final.
The real question here is why are you using the same property name for something that returns a different type ?
The return type is not part of a method signature so in any case the getter cannot be "overridden".