Qt Creator Documentation for QLineEdit -- what does "disambiguation" and "comment" mean in inputMask property?
I'm using Qt 5.14 (customer requirement) and Qt Creator 4.11.1. I was looking for a way to set the inputMask in a QLineEdit (did not see one).
While looking for that, I saw the following properties for the inputMask field:
I think I know what "translatable" means, but I could not find any documentation for "disambiguation" or "comment" in this context. It's possible that I just don't know where to look yet.What are these properties, and how are they used?
Also, it is possible to set the inputMask in Qt Creator, or must I add it programmatically?
See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qcoreapplication.html#translate
comment is for the translator and pops up as additional information in linguist. -
Thank you. That did help, at least to let me know that those properties are not needed for my project (no translations, no internationalization).
I'm guessing that the answer to my question about setting the inputMask is there is no way to set it in Qt Creator -- it must be done in code.
Have you tried typing into the line which has theinputMask
label (i.e. above the checkbox)? I sometimes forget Creator allows that for many items, when you think it's only allowing you to type against the subitems underneath it