ScrollAreaWidgetContents not available when scroll area declared in code
I used scrollArea widget before, that time i created it in designer and to add the widgets into it i did as below
But now i wanted to create one more scroll area programattically(without designer)
I declared as below...
QScrollArea *sarea=new QScrollArea;
@And when i tried to put inside it, program was crashing.
Here i didnt get option to use scrollAreaWidgetContents, as it was available in designer....
Please tell me what wrong here... -
Hi. It's because QScrollArea didn't have layout by default. You must set it by yourself.
Like this:
@QScrollArea *sarea = new QScrollArea();
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
layout->addWidget(new QPushButton("Hi"));
sarea->setLayout(layout);@So, program is crashed because you trying to use uncreated pointer.