QT to connect ft232 fifo mode
Mobile and Embedded
hai i am able to detect the ttyUSB0 usig
USB=new QSerialPort("/dev/ttyUSB0"); USB->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); if (!USB->isOpen() ) { // qDebug() <<"use sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER"; qDebug() <<"USB is NOT OPEN"; //QCoreApplication::exit(0); } else { qDebug() <<"USB is OPEN"; }
but if i write value its not going to destinaton y?
USB->write((const char *)sendbyte,7);
What is sendbyte ?
How do you determine it's not going to the target ? -
unsigned char sendbyte[7]; sendbyte[0] = 0x43; sendbyte[1] = 0x41; sendbyte[2] = 0x50; sendbyte[3] = 0x54; sendbyte[4] = 0x55; sendbyte[5] = 0x52; sendbyte[6] = 0x45;
In destination device we are giving acknowledge for command .its not coming.
After opening the port its should generate clock which is not generatinghow to open a serial port in synchronus_fifo mode?
Maybe you shouldn't use QSerialPort but something like this approach:
page 25 -
@mrdebug DO have any c++ library for that
i used same programFT_HANDLE fthandle1; FT_STATUS status; status = FT_Open(0, &fthandle1); if(status != FT_OK) { printf("open devicestatus not ok %d\n", status); return0; }
it showing failed to open.