Double QTDialog
Good evening everyone.
I don't know if it is also required to say goodbye here before the first post, however out of politeness
I also greet and thank you for all the posts that I have read over the years and that have helped me
in the moments that "I did not know how to do".
I write my first topic because I have a little problem that I can't get out of and that maybe someone has already solved.
I explain:
I wrote an application that drives the home heating system. Check the various temperatures
fireplace, puffer, house areas, etc and decides what to do based on the settings.
Everything runs on a Raspberry.
A 7 "LCD is attached to the Raspberry.
Now to not leave it on all the time, the prg opens a black QTdialog (fullscreen) and every minute the QTDialog is
replaced by another QTDialog which displays the various temperatures and the status of the zones (open / closed) in rotation.
Once the display is finished, the second QtDialog is closed and the first black screen is reopened.
Now everything works perfectly on the Raspberry using system LXDE.
If instead I use XFCE, the second QTDialog (the one that displays the values) is not displayed but neither is the program stopped.
The same happens to me if I compile under Windows 10 or under Linux (MXLinux in my case).
Obviously I use Windows and Mxlinux to develop and compile it and then I transfer the
sources on Raspberry and rebuild there.
I have searched for seas and for mountains but I cannot understand what it is that generates this behavior.
I thank anyone who has a tip for me.
Soon !! -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Not a direct answer but why not use a QStackedWidget ?
You would just have to switch between your two widgets rather than open and close dialogs.
Hello SGainst
Thank you so much for the very fast response.
I have recently been using QT so I don't know all the details.
Now I study QTStackedWidget a bit.
Thanks so much!!! -
Thank a lot it works!!!
BYE!!! -
You're welcome !
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