flickableItem.atYEnd is false even at the bottom of scroll
QML and Qt Quick
I have a ListView which is inside a ScrollView and I want to know or listen when the scroll bar is scrolled to the bottom,
ScrollView { id: moderatorMessagesScrollViewID anchors.fill: parent function update() { console.debug("<< moderatorMessagesScrollViewID ScrollView::update ", flickableItem.atYEnd); } flickableItem.onAtYBeginningChanged: { update(); } flickableItem.onAtYEndChanged: { update(); } flickableItem.onContentYChanged: { update(); } ListView { id: moderatorMessagesList anchors.leftMargin: 15 anchors.rightMargin: 15 anchors.bottomMargin: 5 layoutDirection: Qt.LeftToRight orientation: ListView.Vertical verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop cacheBuffer: (chatPanel.height <= 0) ? 1000 : (chatPanel.height * 1000) spacing: 0 focus: true Component.onCompleted: { updateView(); } delegate: messageListDelegate } style: ScrollViewStyle { incrementControl: Rectangle { visible: false implicitWidth: 0 implicitHeight: 0 } decrementControl: Rectangle { visible: false implicitWidth: 0 implicitHeight: 0 } corner: Rectangle { color: "white" visible: true rotation: 180 } handle: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 5 * MyStyle.props.scrollSizeFactor() implicitHeight: 7 * MyStyle.props.scrollSizeFactor() color: Qt.rgba(237/255, 237/255, 237/255, 1) radius: 2 border.width: 1 border.color: "#C3C3C3" } scrollToClickedPosition: true handleOverlap: 1 scrollBarBackground: Rectangle { width: 5 * MyStyle.props.scrollSizeFactor() height: 10 * MyStyle.props.scrollSizeFactor() color: MyStyle.props.color("chatChatPanelBackground") } transientScrollBars: false } } }
but my issue here is
(1) flickableItem.atYEnd is always false
(2) flickableItem.onAtYEndChanged is not triggered even if I scroll at the bottom
(3) update() is triggered by onContentYChanged() instead when i try to scroll using scrollbar.What is wrong with this and what areas I need to look into?