[SOLVED] Map resource file to QByteArray
how can I load content of file added in project .qrc file to QByteArray?
QWebView can display content with load QUrl("qrc:/Resources/404.html"), but I need to parse it first.
I've tried QFile with filename "qrc:/Resource/404.html". but it doesn't work anyway...
Any idea? -
I guess you have seen "this":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/resources.html#using-resources-in-the-application
BTW: there is a difference you use "Resources" and "Resource". If it is copy and paste from your source this might be the problem.
bq. BTW: there is a difference you use “Resources” and “Resource”. If it is copy and paste from your source this might be the problem.
have just mistyped... :)
Mistake was, I've used "qrc:/Resources/404.html" and not ":/Resources/404.html"