qtcreator 0xc0000005
Installation and Deployment
Qtcreator can no longer be started after update to version 6 on Windows 7, showing this error 0xc0000005. Does that mean that windows 7 is no longer supported?
@net80u QtCreator 6 is based on Qt 6.2 as far as I know and that one requires Windows 10 according to https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/supported-platforms.html
As @jsulm says. Indeed a while ago at https://www.qt.io/blog/qt6-development-hosts-and-targetsBoth Windows 7 or 8.x version support will not be available for Qt 6. Microsoft discontinued the support for both Windows versions some time ago, and as a vendor, we can no longer maintain support for these windows versions in Qt 6.