QRegularExpression and Unicode Blocks
General and Desktop
Hi all
It is supposed that QRegularExpression fully supports Unicode, but I can't get \p{InBasic_Latin} and
\p{InLatin-1_Supplement} (unicode blocks) to work. Any idea?QRegularExpression myExp = QRegularExpression("`\\p{Block: InBasic_Latin}*`") Warning: QRegularExpressionPrivate::doMatch(): called on an invalid QRegularExpression object
From https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qregularexpression.html
For an overview of the regular expression syntax supported by QRegularExpression, please refer to the [...] pcrepattern man page
And from that page:
The long synonyms for property names that Perl supports (such as \p{Letter}) are not supported by PCRE, nor is it permitted to prefix any of these properties with "Is".
Basically: Qt uses pcre in QRegularExpression and that library doesn't support those blocks