PySIde6 QProcess & SeparateChannels not working properly
Qt for Python
I'm on win10x64, pyside 6.2.0 this code>
self.mBuildProcess = QProcess() self.mBuildProcess.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.SeparateChannels) self.mBuildProcess.readyReadStandardError.connect(self.handleProcessStandardError) self.mBuildProcess.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.handleProcessStandardOutput)
Partially works,
The Output will be correct :def handleProcessStandardOutput(self): data = self.handleProcessReadData(self.mBuildProcess.readAllStandardOutput())
But error >
def handleProcessStandardError(self): er = self.handleProcessReadData(self.mBuildProcess.readAllStandardError())
Is the same as output message, its as I'm somehow reading output as error.
I'm trying to run BAT, which in turns run... compile scripts.
Any ideas/hints?
@Dariusz said in PySIde6 QProcess & SeparateChannels not working properly:
What is this doing?
If you directly print out what self.mBuildProcess.readAllStandardError() returns inside handleProcessStandardError - what do you see?